Funny Ways to Ask to a Dance

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I have SO many fond memories of going to the high school dances with my friends. We always had so much fun and would spend hours having "planning sessions" to decide how to ask to the dance and then what we would do for our day date, dinner, etc. I know others may not have done as much, but it was something us girls loved to do when we were the ones asking to the dance, and it's something our guy friends did when they asked us. Ah, memories.

As I mentioned, one of the things we planned was how to ask to the dance. We were always looking for Creative Ways to ask to dances, and I thought it would be a good idea to compile 100+ ways to ask creatively. Most are done with little cost and are simply ideas to help out the teenagers in your family. Is it necessary to ask creatively? Not at all, but it's fun and adds a little more excitement to the whole date.


1. COCONUTS – Drill holes through the shells of coconuts, empty of milk, divide up the message between them (wrapped in cellophane) saying "I'd go NUTS if you'd go to {dance} with me!" They have to smash the coconuts to get the message.

2. STARBUCKS – Go to starbucks with the person you're asking. Have the person sit and wait while you order, and when you order, ask the barista if when they call out your order they'll say "One {whatever your drink is} and one {name of your date}, will you go to the dance with {your name} and then the name of their drink (for example: "One peppermint mocha and one -Katie will you go to the dance with Josh- vanilla bean frappuccino!")

3. PIZZA – Have a pizza delivered to the person you're asking. On the inside of the lid of the box write, "Will you go to the dance with me? If your answer is yes, eat the pizza and return the box. If your answer is no, eat the box and return the pizza."

4. PIÑATA – Hang a piñata in their room or on their front porch and have your name on the inside of the piñata. They have to smash it to see who's asking them to the dance.

5. FORTUNE COOKIES – Use tweezers to pull out the paper fortune inside fortune cookies, or make your own homemade fortune cookies, then write the letters of your name on individual slips of paper and slide them into the fortune cookies. Leave them with a sign or note that says "I would be FORTUNATE to go to the dance with you!"

100+ Creative Ways to ask to Dances - a MUST-SEE list on { } So many creative ideas!!

6. KISSES AND ROSES –  Leave a trail of kisses leading from their front door to their bathroom and leave roses or rose petals in their bathtub/shower with a sign that says "Now that I've kissed the ground you walk on and showered you with roses will you go to the dance with me?"

7. FROZEN HEART –  Place a note asking them to the dance inside a plastic bag & freeze it inside a heart-shaped mold filled with water & roses. Freeze & when delivered, say: "melt my heart–don't break it!"

8. HEART ATTACK – Cut out tons of paper hearts then tape them all around their room or front porch. Have the biggest one say "I would have a HEART ATTACK if you didn't say yes to go to the dance with me!"

9. Use a candy bar note poster to ask them. (ex. Hey SWEET TART, I would give 100 GRAND to go to the dance with you. It would be EXTRA special. etc..)

10. BALLOONS –  Fill the persons room or car with tons of balloons that spell out "Will you go to the dance with me? -{your name}" They have to pop all of the balloons to get the message.

11. ROCK –  Use a giant rock and write "You rock!" and on the reverse write the message asking them to the dance.

12. LOCKER BREAK IN – Break into their locker and make a bright colorful poster that covers the whole inside asking them to the dance.

13. POST IT NOTES – Completely cover their car with post it notes and spell out "prom?" with one color.

14. PAPER FISH – Cut out tons of  paper fish and hang them from the ceiling and a poster that says "of all the fish in the sea will you go to the dance with me?"

15. PLASTIC CUPS – Spell out "{their name} and {the name of the dance} ?" using plastic cups in the fence along the football field.

16. PUZZLE – Write a message on a piece of paper and cut it up into a puzzles for the person to put together

17. SOLO CUPS – Leave/stack red solo cups all over their room or porch with a sign that says "Don't make me go SOLO!"

18. FOOTBALL – Write on a football, "Do you want to tackle Homecoming with me?"

19. MUSTACHE WAX LIPS – Give them a card with mustache wax lips that says, "I MUSTACHE you a question – will you go to the dance with me?"

20. FANTA POP – Replace the "F" with a "W" and add "go to the dance with me?" to it.

21. NACHOS & CHEESE – Buy a bag of tortilla chips and cheese, and on the tortilla chips write, "I know it's NACHO problem, but I'm in a CRUNCH…" and on the cheese write, "Will you CHEESE go to the dance with me?"

22. BASEBALL – Give a Baseball with a card that says, "I might strike out asking, but will go to the dance with me?"

23. KISSED THE GROUND – Spread Hershey Kisses all over the ground and make a poster that says, "Now that I've kissed the ground you walk on, will you go to the dance with me?"

24. CHEESY PIZZY – Order a pizza and on the inside, write: "I know this is cheesey but…" and on the Pizza in pepperoni write: "PROM?"

25. Buy a box of Goldfish and add to the front, "Of all the fish in the sea, will you go to the dance with me?"

26. PHOTOBOOTH – Hold up Signs in a photobooth that say on SIGN 1: Person's name, SIGN 2: Will you go to the dance with me?, SIGN 3: Your name.

27. BASEBALL CATCH – Give a baseball or sugar cookies that look like baseball with a poster or card that says, "You've CAUGHT my attention – will you go to the dance with me and have a BALL?"

28. BROOM – Give a broom with a card or poster that says, "I'm here to SWEEP you off your feet. Will you go to the dance with me?"

29. CORNY QUESTION – Give a bag of popcorn with a note that says, "I know this is corny, but will you go to the dance with me?"

30. IN AND OUT – Send person to In and Out and have signs that say, "School Dance – are you In or Out?"

31. CHICK-FIL-A – Send person to Chik-fil-A with a gift card to order something "special." Have employees give them a shake with a card that says, "You're the only CHICK I want to SHAKE it with at the dance. Will you go with me?"

32. MINT ICE CREAM  – Give a gallon of Mint Ice Cream with a poster that says, "We are MINT to go to the dance together. ICE CREAM if you'd say yes!"

100+ Creative Ways to ask to Dances - a MUST-SEE list on { } So many creative ideas!!

33. HONEYCOMB – Give a box of Honeycomb to the girl that says, "HONEYCOMB your hair and please come to the dance with me?"

34. CUTIES – Give a bowl of Cutie Oranges with a poster that says, "Knock, Knock. Who's there? Orange! Orange who? Orange you glad you got asked to the dance by this cutie?"

35. BUTTERED UP – Give a bag of prepopped popcorn with a note that says, "Now that I've BUTTERED you up I'll POP the question – will you go to the dance with me?"

36. DYING TO GO – Draw a silhouette of a dead person on the person's porch or driveway that says, "I'm DYING to go to the dance with you!"

37. TURTLE – Give them a turtle with a sign that says "It would be TURTLEY awesome if you went to the dance with me!"

38. WHEN PIGS FLY – Fill pink balloons with helium and draw pig faces on them. Put all the balloons in a big cardboard box with a note on the outside that says "When will I ask you to the dance?" and a note on the inside that says "When pigs fly!". Deliver the box to their doorstep.

39. CHALK – Chalk their entire driveway asking them to the dance.

40. CANDLES – Set up candles or tea lights on their driveway that spell out the dance (PROM? or HOMECOMING?).

41. SEA OF BALLOONS – Fill the persons room with enough balloons to hide under, put a sign on their door asking them to the dance, and then when they walk in, jump out of the sea of balloons and surprise them.

42. PHOTO COLLAGE – Photograph yourself with each word asking them to the dance (one picture is "Will", another is "You", "Go" etc.) in all of your dates favorite places. Then put it all together in a photo collage or hide it around their room.

43. MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE – Write your question asking them to the dance on a small piece of paper, roll it up and put it in a bottle or jar with some sand, giving them a message in a bottle.

44. SIGN – If there is a bridge or overpass on the person you're askings route to school, work, or home, hang a sign on the overpass asking them to the dance.

45. GARAGE DECORATION – Decorate their garage with balloons, crepe paper streamers, and big paper letters that spell out the name of the dance.

46. BUM – Get dressed up as a bum (a homeless person) and hold a cardboard sign that says "I would be really BUMMED if you didn't go to the dance with me.

47. TEDDY BEAR – Give them a teddy bear with a sign that says "I couldn't BEAR the thought of going to the dance without you".

48. HANGMAN – Play a game of hangman but have the phrase be "{the persons name}, Will you go to the dance with me?"

49. WINGS – Deliver some chicken wings or buffalo wings with a note that says "I've never asked someone to a dance so I'm just gonna wing it! Will you go to the dance with me?"

50. SOCCER BALL – Write on a soccer ball "Wanna KICK it at the dance?"

51. VOLLEYBALL – Write on a volleyball "I really DIG you and I could't PASS up the chance to ask you to the dance. Let's SET up a date, it'll be a HIT."

52. DONUTS – Give them a box of donuts and write on the inside "I DONUT want to go to the dance with anyone else."

53. DESPICABLE ME – "I think you are one in a MINION, it would be DESPICABLE of me not to ask you to the dance."

54. SUCKERS – Give the person a jar of suckers with a note that says "The dance would SUCK if I didn't go with you."

55. FISH – Give them a goldfish or a box of swedish fish with a sign that says "Will you o-FISH-ally be my date to the dance?"

56. BASKETBALL – "I know we'll have a BALLIN time at the dance!"

57. FILLED BALLOON – Write your name on a small slip of paper and put it into a balloon with some glitter or confetti before you blow the balloon up. After you blow up the balloon, leave it with a sign that says "It would be a BLAST if you went with me to the dance" along with  something to pop the balloon. They have to pop the balloon to find out who's asking.

58. FILL IN THE BLANK – Make a poster that they have to fill out to in order to see what the question is:

#1 Black Eyed Peas ______ i. am (will)

#2 What is the symbol for the element Uranium? ______ (u)

#3 (draw a picture of a stop light and fill in the green light) ________ (go)

#4 What is "you" in Spanish? _____ (tu)

#5 (draw the name of the dance in a dotted line and have them trace the dotted line)

#6 Area = length x _______ (width)

#7 Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? {the person's name you're asking} stole the cookie from the cookie jar! Who ______ yes

you! (me?)

59. POKEMON – Make a poster with a pokeball on it or give them a pokeball if you can find one with a poster that says {their name} I CHOOSE YOU to go to the dance with me.

60. FAULT IN OUR STARS – Poster with the FIOS "okay? okay." logo on it and write "Maybe okay will be our always and your answer to (homecoming/prom/sadies) with me.

61. HORRIFIC PROPOSAL – You and your friends dress up in scary Halloween costumes/masks and go to their door with a sign that says "it would be HORRIFIC if you didn't go to the dance with me.

62. WHERES WALDO – Dress up like Waldo from Where's Waldo and send the person you're asking on a hunt to find you in a busy public place like school or the mall. When they find you, be holding a sign that says "You found Waldo! And a date to the dance?"

63. SUPER HERO – Dress up as a superhero and ring their doorbell or go to one of their classes with a sign that says "{the name of the dance} would be SUPER with you!"

64. MAIL OWL – Get a white balloon and draw an owl on it that looks like Hedwig from Harry Potter, tie a scroll to it with your proposal to the dance, leave it at their door.

65. STARBURSTS – Give them a bag of Starbursts with a note that says "I'm BURSTing to go to the dance with you!"

66. TIME – Give them a watch or alarm clock with a note that says "I don't want to waste another second, it's about TIME I ask you to the dance!"

67. SCAVENGER HUNT – Send them on a scavenger hunt and have the last clue lead them to where you're waiting.

68. COKE AND MENTOS – Leave coke and mentos at their door with a note that says "I can't wait to have a BLAST with you at {name of dance}!"

69. UP – Make a sign that say's "Fly UP to {name of dance} with me" with a picture of the house from UP floating on balloons, leave a balloon bouquet with it.

70. YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD – Decorate their room with hanging lights or do candles in their driveway and make a sign that says "You light up my world. Be my date to {name of dance}?"

71. PIRATE BOOTY – Have a buried treasure chest either in a nearby park or in a kiddy pool full of sand with a note inside that says "The only pirates booty I seek is fer yer booty to say yes to me!"

72. BREAK THE ICE – Freeze a note into a big block of ice using a tupperware container that says "Now that we've broken the ice, want to go to the dance with me?" Leave it on their doorstep with a hammer or chisel.

73. JELLO – Put a laminated note that says "Will you go to the dance with me?" inside a jell-O solution and refrigerate. Leave it at the persons door.

74. TSHIRT – Write your name in sharpie on a white t-shirt and write a bunch of other names in washable black crayola marker. They have to wash the shirt to see who is asking them to the dance!

75. WOOD – Leave a wooden plank or a bunch of sticks on their porch with a sign that says "WOOD you go to the dance with me?"

76. PEA MY PANTS – Leave a pair of pants with a few bags of peas filling them and some more peas dumped around and on top of the pants with a sign that says "I would PEA my PANTS if you went to the dance with me!"

78. BOMB – Make sure the person you're asking is home, ring their doorbell, and leave a lit smoke bomb with a sign that says "You're the BOMB. Go to the dance with me?"

79. BACKFLIP – Ask them in person, in public (like at school) is even better, with a sign that says "Go to the dance with me? If yes: Smile. If no: Do a backflip.

80. COP – Have a family or neighborhood friend who is a police officer agree to help you ask the person to the dance. Ask the person to drive over to your house or meet you somewhere specific. Have your friendly police officer waiting to pull them over, and when they pull them over, have them pretend to give the person a ticket, but tell them that the only way to get out of the ticket is to go to the dance with you. Hopefully at that point, the person will realize it's all a joke!

81. FLYING HIGH – Attach a large balloon to a really really long string or fishing line, let the string completely out and attach it to the persons car or front door and leave a sign that says "I would be FLYING HIGH if you went to the dance with me!" Have your name inside or written on the balloon. They have to pull in the balloon to see who is asking them.

100+ Creative Ways to ask to Dances - a MUST-SEE list on { } So many creative ideas!!

82. DING DONG – Buy a box of Ding Dongs and add a note that says, "I'd be a DING DONG if I didn't ask you to the dance!"

83. TEAM JERSEYS – Either have your athletic team or the person you're asking's team agree to help you. At the end of the sporting event have the team put on shirts that spell out "HOMECOMING" or "PROM" with you wearing a shirt with a question mark on it.

84. COTTON CANDY FLAVORED SNOW CONE – Write on cup "Cotton Candy is pink, snow is white, Will you be my date on Prom Night?"

85. LEGO – Use legos to spell out your name and leave a sign that says "LEGO to the dance together!"

86. APPS – Rearrange the apps on your phone to spell out "PROM WITH ME?" (ex. the Pandora app's logo is a P, Ruzzle is R, Spotify looks like an O, etc.)

87. RUFF – Tie a note that says "The dance would be RUFF without you!" around your dog or the person you're askings dog or even use a stuffed animal dog.

88. NUGGET – Give them chicken nuggets with a note that says "I'd be one lucky nugget if I went to the dance with you!"

89. WHALE – Make a sign with a whale on it that says "WHALE you go to the dance with me?"

90. TIRE – Leave a tire on their doorstep with a sign that says "I'd WHEEL-Y like to go to the dance with you!"

91. MOUNTAIN DEW – Give them a case of Mountain Dew with a sign that says "Will you DEW me a favor and be my date to the dance?"

92. MUST BE THIS TALL – Make a big sign similar to the ones outside of amusement park rides that says "You must be THIS TALL to say no to going to the dance with me." Make sure the line on the sign is taller than the person you're asking!!

93. CUPS – Put tons of plastic cups covering their porch and walkway and leave a sign that says "We would be the cutest CUPle at the dance!"

94. LIFE ALERT – Dress up as the grandma on the Life Alert ads and lay on the person's driveway with a sign next to you that says Help! I've fallen on my way to ask you to the dance and I can't get up! Yes: Help me up. No: Contact Life Alert."

95. DUCKS – Put a bunch of rubber duckies all over their car with a sign that says "I'd be one LUCKY DUCK if I went to the dance with you!"

96. PARKING TICKET – Slip a fake parking ticket onto their windshield and when they open it up, it'll really say "Do you want to go to the dance with me?"

97. CEREAL – Give them a box of their favorite cereal with a sign that says "I CEREALsly want to go to the dance with you."

98. TEST QUESTION – Talk to one of your dates teachers who has an upcoming test in their class. Ask them if they will give the person you're asking a special copy of the test that has a bonus question on it that looks like this:

Will you go to the dance with {your name}?

1. Yes.

2. a

3. b

99. BASEBALL – Write on a baseball "I might strike out asking, but will you go to the dance with me?"

100. TENNIS BALLS – Stick tennis balls in the chain link fence to spell out the name of the dance with a question mark at the end.

101. STAR WARS – Dress up like a stormtrooper or a Jedi and knock on their door holding a sign that says "Can I FORCE you to go to the dance with me?"

For a PDF version of these ideas to print go HERE.

SOOO many fun ideas, right?!

I wish I had this list compiled back when I was a teenager… would have saved me a TON of time! 😉

I hope there are at least a few ideas in here that you like and can use.

If you have any more ideas, feel free to leave them in the comments and I'll add them to the list.

And, for more great Tips be sure to check these out:

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Fall Fashion Favorites

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For all TIPS go HERE .

For All Roundups go HERE.

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