Dead Again So Hard to Wait

The death of VR has been heralded so often that VR is starting to take on feline qualities with regard to the number of lives it seems to take.

It's a great click-allurement headline that some journalists and commentators like to roll out on a fairly regular basis. In jumping to this conclusion they accept invariably focused on consumer adoption of VR, equally it'southward an easier fit with the "VR is dead" theme than researching further across the sector.

When information technology comes to consumer adoption of VR it fits neatly into Amara's Constabulary which states:

"We tend to overestimate the consequence of a technology in the brusque run and underestimate the effect in the long run."

Pre-lockdown you couldn't nourish a conference without a speaker boldly posing the question, "What's the killer app for VR?". Whilst the great and good of engineering science commentary were focusing on consumer VR, the enterprise sector was quietly adopting the technology at a much more consistent rate.

About a twelvemonth agone enterprise VR started to be mentioned more frequently than consumer VR, there was a dull realisation that cost of headsets and lack of content was less of an consequence for enterprise. With some large enterprises using VR grooming for health and rubber, the savings by avoiding serious accidents tin be huge, quickly outweighing the cost of headsets or content creation.

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So which sectors are driving the adoption of enterprise VR? Well health and rubber procedures cover across a number of verticals, then you lot're seeing adoption in sectors from FMCG , manufacturing, energy right through to healthcare. But, without the internal buy-in to adopting new technology it is well-nigh impossible to become traction beyond an initial innovation driven airplane pilot project. So who are some of the internal champions fuelling the VR adoption, at Nestle you have Richard Hess, at BP Anthony Del Barto and Walter Davis at Aggreko.(photograph credit Alex Gonzalez)

Health and safe training is also a key focus in the armed forces, with a recent example being VR cargo loading training by the US Air Strength. Working with Sketchbox3d they created a training scenario for C-5 ship aircraft operatives using the Oculus Quest ii, with some quite phenomenal results.

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  • Total training time reduced by 25%
  • Student throughput increased by iii.3X
  • $100k hard cost savings per student
  • 1000lbs of fuel saved per student

VR represents nine% of the total training course at present, simply the Us Air Force intends to utilise VR for 40% of the course in the future.

However, what the results currently lack are more performance focused outcomes, are there less errors, practise trainees retain the knowledge better and therefore need less training? When you are able to combine operation results with toll savings you have a very powerful argument in favour of the use of VR for preparation.

Health and safe preparation is an obvious fit for VR training, but other areas which are less obvious, such as soft skills preparation, are too starting to see increased adoption. As companies struggle to retain and up-skill employees, along with trying to deal with a transformative shift to remote working, they are increasingly looking to applied science to solve some of these challenges. Companies like Talespin, BodySwaps and Make Real are focused on using VR for soft skills training, ranging from Diversity and Inclusion to leadership skills. I was initially sceptical of using VR for soft skills training, largely because it is so much harder to mensurate, simply my view has shifted over the past year. Ways of measurement take improved substantially, and volition only continue to improve with the use of biometrics and heart-tracking, enabling soft skills VR training to be measured in a much more tangible fashion.

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So, to all those out there who are swell to proclaim the "Death of VR" I would advise you to take a broader look beyond both consumer and enterprise. Indeed, as headsets become cheaper, more content is bachelor and the benefits of 5G kick-in, we may even have to consider using "VR is live and well" for both consumer and enterprise.

NEXT: In my side by side article I'll be looking into the touch on VR is having on soft skills training and how it tin be upwards to 3X more effective than traditional classroom training. Follow #theVRmarketer

I ever effort to present a counterbalanced view of the benefits of immersive applied science. As I think in that location are too many commentators ("Futurists"?) out at that place feeding the hype machine and over promising what VR, in particular, can deliver (dorsum to Amara'southward Constabulary). But, if y'all think I err too far one manner or the other, delight experience free to call me out on it. Thanks.


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